Project : 832 Central Park
Short Description: Construction
Description: Thank you for signing up to volunteer! With your help, we can build homes, community and hope.

Construction Volunteers arrive at 8:00 am for sign-in and safety orientation unless you or your group have arranged a different arrival time with the Volunteer Coordinator. Those that arrive late (after 8:00 am) may not be able to participate that day. Please be advised that we do not provide coffee in the mornings.

We will take a short morning break, a lunch break from 11:30am to 12:15pm and a short afternoon break. Please bring your own lunch.

Wear clothing appropriate for the weather and closed toed shoes. No short shorts or tank tops please.

Bring work gloves, sunscreen and hat (in the heat), dress in layers (in the cold) and bring a refillable water bottle (water will be provided).

Volunteers must be 18 years or older. Minors between the ages of 16 and 18 must have a parent or guardian's signature on the waiver form and must have special permission from the Volunteer Coordinator to ensure that the activity is age appropriate.

If you are interested in becoming a long-term volunteer, please take our Safety Training Course.

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Have fun!

If you have questions, contact:
Cory Beynon, Volunteer Coordinator
Tel: 530-361-6705